State, Territory, or Tribal Child Care and Development Fund Administrator Looking For Support

Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Child Care, The National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment (NCASE) provides training and technical assistance to the state, territory, and Tribal Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) lead agencies and their designated networks, which include the statewide afterschool networks, State Education Agencies, provider associations, and Child Care Resource and Referral agencies. The goal of NCASE is to ensure that school-age children in working families of low income have increased access to high-quality afterschool and summer learning experiences that contribute to their overall development and academic achievement.

NCASE offers a number of services to help expand the supply and quality of school-age afterschool and summer programs. This includes research, publication, and technical assistance, as well as coordinating peer learning communities for cross collaboration between state education, statewide afterschool networks, and child care agencies. In addition, NCASE maintains a robust Resource Library containing issue briefs, tools, and other publications on a range of out-of-school topics. Reach out to [email protected] for more information or visit the NCASE website. Also consider connecting with your statewide afterschool network about their cross-sector work in school-age care.