Four segments of children playing, reading, and using a microscope.
Four segments of children playing, reading, and using a microscope.
Student with headphones learning piano on a keyboard from teacher with headphones.

Engage Every Student is a bold call to action to provide high-quality out-of-school time learning opportunities for every child who wants to participate.

All students should have the supports they need to realize their full potential. Afterschool and summer learning programs are a critical part of that support.

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Illustration of a scroll with a star on it.

About Us

Engage Every Student was launched by U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona on July 14, 2022.

The U.S. Department of Education partnered with the Afterschool Alliance, AASA, the School Superintendents Association, National League of Cities, National Summer Learning Association, and the National Comprehensive Center to provide schools and communities the connections and assistance they may need to expand access to afterschool and summer learning programs.

With support from these five coordinating partners and a growing group of allied organizations, this Initiative aims to ensure that every student who wants a spot in a high-quality out-of-school time program has one.

Our Partners

The National Comprehensive Center

The National Comprehensive Center works with state education agencies (SEAs), regional education agencies (REAs), Tribal education agencies (TEAs), local education agencies (LEAs), schools, Regional Comprehensive Centers (Regional Centers), the U.S. Department of Education, and other national partners to enhance the quality of instruction, close achievement gaps, and improve educational outcomes for all students. We develop and deliver high-quality capacity-building products and services to address pressing education needs and common challenges. As part of our work, we lead the Comprehensive Center Network (CCNetwork), partnering with Regional Centers to identify and elevate emerging needs and share stories from the field to spread evidence-based practices and build capacity.

Learn more about the National Comprehensive Center

The School Superintendents Association

AASA, The School Superintendents Association, is the professional organization for more than 10,000 educational leaders in the United States and throughout the world. Founded in 1865, we have 49 chartered state affiliates, a regional configuration of seven distinct geographic areas, a Canadian affiliate, and an international unit, which, together with AASA, form a cohesive network impacting local, state, and national education policy and practice. AASA advocates for equitable access to the highest quality public education for all students and develops and supports school system leaders to ensure student success.

Learn more about The School Superintendents Association

National Summer Learning Association

For nearly 30 years, the National Summer Learning Association has worked to combat summer learning loss and close the achievement and opportunity gaps which research shows grows most dramatically between lower and higher income students over the summer months. Our vision is, and always has been, to ensure all young people in America, regardless of background, income, and zip-code, can participate in and benefit from a high-quality summer learning experience, every year. NSLA supports and collaborates with a broad and ever-growing network of 15,000+ leaders of school districts, youth serving government agencies, non-profit and corporate partners focused on improving the lives of youth. By investing in summer learning, we are working together to promote equity, create opportunity, and build community for young people and their families across the country.

Learn more about the National Summer Learning Association

Afterschool Alliance

The Afterschool Alliance is a nonprofit public awareness and advocacy organization working to ensure that all children and youth have access to quality afterschool and summer programs. We work with partners at every level to expand afterschool resources, from national allies to state and city networks, from the U.S. Congress to governors and city leaders, and are proud to support a broad network of 25,000 local afterschool programs. For every child in an afterschool program, three are waiting to get in. We’re working to change that.

Learn more about the Afterschool Alliance

National League of Cities

The National League of Cities (NLC) is an organization of city, town and village leaders that are focused on improving the quality of life for their residents of today and tomorrow. With over 90 years of dedication to the strength, health and advancement of local governments, NLC has gained the trust and support of more than 2,500 cities across the nation. Together, our mission is to strengthen local leadership, influence federal policy and drive innovative solutions. The Institute for Youth, Education, and Families (YEF Institute), housed within NLC, is the go-to place for city leaders seeking to improve outcomes for children and families. With expertise in early childhood success, education & expanded learning, promoting a culture of health, youth & young adult connections, and economic opportunity & financial empowerment, the YEF Institute reaches cities of all sizes and brings together local leaders to develop strategies via technical assistance projects, peer learning networks, leadership academies, and Mayors’ Institutes.

Learn more about the National League of Cities